Sunday, April 21, 2024 - 4:00PM
Dear Members,
The Annual Meeting of the Wicks Creek Homeowners Association (WCHA) will be held Sunday, April 21, 2024, at 4:00PM at the Wicks Creek Recreation Area.
The 2023 expenses and completed projects, 2024-25 operation budget and Capital Reserve project proposals, and 2024-25 project ideas will be presented and discussed. We will also discuss the Reserve Fund Assessment and Annual Dues increase.
Elections will be held for:
Officers (1 Year Term): President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary
Board Members (2 Year Term): 4 positions to be filled
Committee Chairs: Swimming, Tennis, Grounds, Membership, Social & Communications/Website
This is a great time to get involved in your neighborhood and meet new people. By donating a small amount of your time to your association, you can make a big difference in Wicks Creek.
Our governing documents require that a quorum of the Lot Owners be present in person or by proxy to hold the Annual Meeting. If you cannot attend, please complete, sign and date the proxy that you received in the mail, and give it to a trusted neighbor, board member, or officer who will be at the meeting.