The Wicks Creek HOA Board is comprised of volunteers who selflessly give their time to make this the best neighborhood possible. We appreciate the time and dedication these neighbors have put in to keep Wicks Creek going.

President: Kieran Chaudhry

Vice President: Chris Powers

Treasurer: Lee Earhart

Assistant Treasurer: Monique Hutchins

Secretary: Lynne Marmulstein

Board: Stephanie Chaudhry, Aaron Kuney, John Pettinger, Julio Quintana, Chris Powers, Brittney Slutzky, John Trostel

The success of this neighborhood depends on members volunteering their time to be committee chairs. The following people dedicate their time to make your life better (pretty cool when you put it that way)!

Pool: Chris Powers/John Pettinger/Brittney Slutzky

Grounds: Julio Quintana

Tennis: John Trostel

Social: Julie Cundiff

Membership: Lisa Singer

Communications/Social Media: Julie Cundiff